Zigbee -> OpenHAB -> ha-bridge -> Alexa | Device not recognized by Alexa

I’m using Zigbee switches to control some lights at home. They are imported into OpenHAB, so that I can control them with the OpenHAB mobile app.

To control them by voice over one of the Echo devices, I use ha-bridge, which emulates a Philips Hue bridge which then can be used to discovery the switches by Alexa. Until now, everything worked in this combination. Today I tried to setup a new switch for a new light. Setup in OpenHAB worked out ot the box, but Alexa did not recognize it.

After some digging I found this comment. Main problem solver seems to add a „00:“ in front of the unique id for the device, because it needs now 9 bytes for the unique id. In case the comment would be deleted:

  • sudo systemctl stop ha-bridge
  • cd ha-bridge folder
  • cd data
  • sudo nano device.db
  • use CTRL+W and search „unique“ to find the unique ID’s
  • add „00:“ at te beginning of every unique ID
  • save the file
  • sudo systemctl start ha-bridge
  • press „Discover“ within the Alexa app/site
  • while Alexa is discovering, press the Link-button under „Bridge Devices“ within HA-bridge (make sure „Use Link Button“ is checked under Bridge Control -> Update Security Settings)
  • the devices should show up within de Alexa app/site

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